Andrew's Bio in English and Chinese

Andrew is native to Seattle, WA and began his studies officially at age 10. When he was five his mother had him learn Suzuki method violin but hated forcing him to practice, fearing it would make him hate violin, she let him quit. In the early 90s he returned to the instrument thanks in part to the elementary string program through the Northshore School district and since then has been highly selfmotivated. His first private teachers were: Patricia Jaeger, graduate of the Eastman School of Music and Richard Skerlong, former principal violist of the Seattle Symphony. Other great teachers which left
lasting impressions on him were Gerry Marsh, director of the Cascade Youth Symphony and High School violin coach Cecilia Archuleta of the Northwest Sinfonietta.

In 2000 Andrew was accepted to the Wheaton Conservatory of Music, Illinois where he studied under Dr. Lee Joiner and served as co-concertmaster in the symphony orchestra. Following graduation in 2004 he went on to study at Cal State Sacramento under the nationally sought-after pedagogue Ian
Swensen of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Under Swensen’s tutorage he studied and performed works such as the Ravel Sonata for violin and piano, Unaccompanied Bach, and the Sibelius Violin Concerto.
The summer music festivals attended have been the Credo Chamber Music Festival, Oberlin, Ohio, and the Musicorda Chamber Music Festival of western Massachusetts. At both Credo and Musicorda he had the great privilege of working with the great violin pedagogue James Buswell of the
New England Conservatory of Music.
Grad School was a pivotal season in Andrew’s life where, after graduating from California State with a Master’s in Violin Performance, he left for China.
Andrew worked four years as a foreign music teacher at Sias University, located at the heart of the Chinese Han Civilization, Xin Zheng, Henan Province. He served on faculty as a violin teacher and concertmaster of the university’s symphony orchestra with which he went on tour through Henan province in the Summer of 2009. He also had the opportunity to direct a student choir and taught Western Music appreciation. Presently, he continues to work on his spoken Mandarin and erhu, a classical Chinese instrument known as the Chinese two-stringed fiddle.
In 2011 he and his wife and daughter moved back to Seattle and began Bushnell Violin Studio initially based out of his aunt’s home in Kirkland, then, as of October of 2019, his studio became the One Sound School of Music Inc. based in Monroe, WA. His school offers private lessons and string ensemble
classes on violin, viola, Chinese erhu and soon piano and cello. His dream is to expand his school to a full-fledged institute that includes ethnic instruments from around the world and see his students use music for good around the world as a reconciling force.
For fun Andrew loves to play the Unaccompanied Bach Sonatas and Partitas, Mark O’Connor arrangements, Jazz, and other fiddling genres. In his limited free time, he also enjoys windsurfing and paddle boarding on the Puget Sound. Recent performances have included the much-loved Chinese, Butterfly Lover’s Violin Concerto (Liang Zhu) at the downtown Seattle Library in 2014. He has also performed both the entire Sibelius and Tchaikovsky violin concertos, the latter as a fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association in 2019.
Andrew currently lives in Monroe, WA with his lovely wife and four kids.

安德鲁(Andrew)出生于华盛顿州西雅图,10 岁正式开始学习音乐。他五岁时开始学习 铃木方法小提琴,但他的母亲不想逼迫他练习,担心这会让他讨厌小提琴,所以让他退出 了。在 90 年代初,由于北岸学区的小学弦乐课程,他重拾了小提琴,并自我激励。他的 第一位私人老师是 Patricia Jaeger,毕业于东曼音乐学院,还有 Seattle Symphony 的前首席 中提琴家 Richard Skerlong。其他给他留下深刻印象的优秀老师包括 Cascade Youth Symphony 的指挥 Gerry Marsh 和 Northwest Sinfonietta 的高中小提琴教练 Cecilia Archuleta。
2000 年,安德鲁被伊利诺伊州的 Wheaton 音乐学院录取,师从 Lee Joiner 博士,并在交响 乐团中担任联合首席小提琴手。2004 年毕业后,他前往加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托州立大 学,在全国范围内备受追捧的教育家 Ian Swensen 的指导下学习。在 Swensen 的指导下,他学习和演奏了拉威尔小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲,巴赫无伴奏小提琴曲和西贝柳斯小提琴协奏 曲等作品。
他参加过的夏季音乐节包括俄亥俄州奥伯林的 Credo 室内乐节和西马萨诸塞州的 Musicorda 室内乐节。在 Credo 和 Musicorda,他有幸与新英格兰音乐学院的著名小提琴教 育家詹姆斯·巴斯韦尔一起工作。 研究生阶段是安德鲁生命中的一个关键时期,在获得加州州立大学小提琴演奏硕士学位
后,他前往中国。 安德鲁在中国的河南省新郑市的郑州西亚斯学院担任外籍音乐教师,担任小提琴教师和大 学交响乐团的首席小提琴手,该乐团在 2009 年夏天在河南省巡回演出。他还指导了学生 合唱团,并教授西方音乐欣赏课程。目前,他在继续努力学习普通话和二胡。二胡是一种 古典中国乐器,也被称为中国二弦琴。
2011 年,他和妻子、女儿回到西雅图,最初在柯克兰的姨妈家开设了 Bushnell 小提琴工 作室。2019 年 10 月,他的工作室升级为 One Sound School of Music Inc.,位于华盛顿州 的门罗。他的学校提供小提琴、中提琴、二胡等乐器的私人课程和弦乐组合班,未来还将 推出钢琴和大提琴的课程。他的梦想是将学校扩大为一个包括来自世界各地的民族乐器的 完整机构,并希望看到他的学生将音乐作为一种和解力量,在全世界做出贡献。 作为业 余爱好,Andrew 喜欢演奏无伴奏的巴赫奏鸣曲和组曲、Mark O’Connor 的编曲、爵士乐 和其他民间音乐流派。在他有限的闲暇时间里,他还喜欢在普吉特海湾上划风帆板和划皮 划艇。他最近的表演包括 2014 年在西雅图市中心图书馆演奏备受喜爱的中国《梁祝》小 提琴协奏曲以及在 2019 年为阿尔茨海默病协会筹款演奏了 Sibelius 和 Tchaikovsky 的小提 琴协奏曲的整个乐章。